Send SMS 2.5 Dashboard Widget

April 22nd, 2010

Available for download is Send SMS 2.5, a new version of the Mac OS X Dashboard Widget to easily send an SMS.

New features:

- Query SMS Balance.
- Will load mobile numbers with the iPhone label from the Address Book.
- Updated the Dock icon. It is now the same as the SMS touch iPhone app.

Send SMS

You can download the Send SMS Dashboard Widget here:

Download Send SMS 2.5

Please use Safari to download the widget.

Send SMS 2.5b1 Dashboard Widget

April 16th, 2010

Available for download is Send SMS 2.5b1, a new version of the Mac OS X Dashboard Widget to easily send an SMS.

New features:

- Query SMS Balance.
- Will load mobile numbers with the iPhone label from the Address Book.
- Updated the Dock icon. It is now the same as the SMS touch iPhone app.

Send SMS

You can download the Send SMS Dashboard Widget here:

Download Send SMS 2.5b1

Please use Safari to download the widget.

SMS touch

March 12th, 2010

SMS touch for iPhone and iPod touch is available now in the App Store.

SMS touch

SMS touch includes 10 SMS text messages.

If you register the app with your SMS Mac account ID, you can use your current SMS balance and you’ll will receive 10 extra SMS. So, in total, 20 SMS will be added to your SMS Mac account balance.

To find the app in the App Store, click the link below:

SMS touch also has its own web site with screenshots and a demo video:

SMS touch web site

SMS touch is available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch.

SMS Mac 2.5.1 for Snow Leopard

December 1st, 2009


Version 2.5.1 of the SMS Mac Address Book plug-in is available for Snow Leopard. SMS Mac is the Address Book plug-in to send SMS text messages.

Added feature:

Reply to Email support in USA and Canada

Compatibility with Snow Leopard.

You can download SMS Mac 2.5.1 here:

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4 and up (including Snow Leopard).

Send SMS 2.4 Dashboard Widget

September 28th, 2009

Available for download is Send SMS 2.4, a new version of the Mac OS X Dashboard Widget to easily send an SMS.

User feedback for USA destinations has been improved in the case of features like Unicode SMS, Long SMS and Reply to Email.

Secondly, the widget now also supports the sequence 011 as a international prefix.

Send SMS

You can download the Send SMS 2.4 Dashboard Widget here:

Download Send SMS 2.4

Please use Safari to download the widget.

SMS Mac 2.5p for Snow Leopard

September 13th, 2009


Version 2.5p of the SMS Mac Address Book plug-in is available for Snow Leopard. SMS Mac is the Address Book plug-in to send SMS text messages.

Added feature:

Compatibility with Snow Leopard.

You can download SMS Mac 2.5p here:

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4 and up (including Snow Leopard).

SMS Mac 2.5a for Snow Leopard

August 30th, 2009


Version 2.5a of the SMS Mac Address Book plug-in is available for Snow Leopard. SMS Mac is the Address Book plug-in to send SMS text messages.

Added feature:

Compatibility with Snow Leopard.

NB: The Group SMS plug-in is not yet compatible with Snow Leopard. For the time being, you can send a Group SMS with the Send SMS Dashboard Widget:

QuickStart Group SMS Dashboard Widget

You can download SMS Mac 2.5a here:

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4 and up (including Snow Leopard).

SMS Mac 2.4

June 10th, 2009


Version 2.4 of the SMS Mac Address Book plug-in is available. SMS Mac is the Address Book plug-in to send SMS text messages.

Added feature:

For most destinations in the Caribbean you can now use Long SMS and Unicode SMS.


Improved alert when your SMS balance is not sufficient for Group SMS.
Improved alert for slow SMS Mac server response.

Fixed bug:

In some situations, the Unicode warning alert could hang the plug-in.

You can download SMS Mac 2.4 here:

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.3 and up (including Leopard).

SMS Mac Scripting Application 2.2

April 4th, 2009

Available for download is SMS Mac Scripting Application 2.2.

Version 2.2 now also supports the Reply to Email feature of SMS Mac.

Reply to Email means that SMS replies will be delivered to your email address instead of to your mobile.

You can now use code like:

set sender to “”

We have extensive documentation about the SMS Mac Scripting Application and its example scripts.

The SMS Mac Scripting application is a Universal Binary.

To download the SMS Mac Scripting application, go to the downloads page.

Send SMS 2.3 Dashboard Widget

March 24th, 2009

Available for download is Send SMS 2.3, a new version of the Mac OS X Dashboard Widget to easily send an SMS.

We improved two important features:

Regarding the Group SMS feature, the widget gives more feedback about which mobile numbers in the group were actually not sent (because of mistakes in the mobile numbers). Also, we will always immediately submit the Group SMS to the gateways and report the invalid numbers afterwards.

Secondly, we improved the sorting of the contacts from the Address Book. It should be faster and case insensitive, which also should improve the launch and reload time of the widget.

Send SMS

You can download the Send SMS 2.3 Dashboard Widget here:

Download Send SMS 2.3

Please use Safari to download the widget.